Emails to Walz’s COVID Snitch Line Released.

Thanks to Nathan Hansen’s FOI request. We can now view the emails sent to Governor Walz’s COVID-19 snitch line.

They are everything we expected. Never forget that these are Governor Walz’s supporters. They don’t believe in freedom or personal responsibility.

Here are a few highlights.

Nathan Hansen is continuing to add emails. They can be found here or below.

Who is Deleting Carnahan’s Scandals Off of Wikipedia?

Someone is deleting Jennifer Carnahan’s scandals off of her Wikipedia ahead of a possible run for her husband the late Congressman Jim Hagedorn’s seat.

The anonymous user deleted all mention of the recording in which a drunk Jennifer Carnahan talked about Congressman Hagedorn’s coming death. Also deleted were all mentions of the Anton Lazzaro scandal, and her resignation as MNGOP Chairwoman.

It appears someone wants us to forget about these events, but we won’t. For those that need a refresher on the scandals or have yet to learn about them below are links to find out more.

Audio of Carnahan on Congressman Hagedorn’s coming death.

Donor Anton Lazzaro arrested for sex trafficking.

Carnahan used non-disclosure agreements to silence opposition.

For more on Jennifer Carnahan and other developments follow Rebecca Brannon on twitter.

CD-1 Race: Who Is Brad Finstad?

A post from Rocks and Cows of Minnesota.



Regionally known and accomplished baseball player from New Ulm, Brad became a Republican State Rep in his 20’s. Brad’s claim to fame as State Rep was helping state and Hennepin County tax payers buy the Pohlad family (richest family in Minnesota) a $550mil baseball stadium. He authored and shepherded the Target Field bill, most Republicans then did not favor, into passing.

After only a handful of terms as a State Rep Brad quit that 40k/yr job and moved on to a career managing a series of rural and agricultural associations that lobby state and federal government for attention and money. He is well liked and widely known in govt due to these lobbying associations. He has been mentioned in the past as a possible candidate for higher office due to his visible profile in the professional politician community.


Brad did such a good job lobbying govt for the rural and ag associations that when Trump got elected he was appointed to be the man at the USDA Rural Development in MN. That job put him on the other side of the table handing out the govt money to those same rural and ag interests he associated with before. When Trump lost he went back to managing another rural interest lobbying association. SO THAT’S NICE.


Brad works for rural and ag interest groups, and of course socially most of the members are conservative at home, but the corporate lobbying function of the associations means you stay quiet and play nice with everybody in both parties because you want their govt help or money.

Essentially Brad has NO political track record since over a decade ago when he got taxpayers to build the Pohlads a baseball stadium. Brad didn’t even make a public statement in favor of his President’s (Trump’s) China trade and tariff policy when the neocons and Democrats were trying to turn farmers against Trump and surrender to China.

Google – “Brad Finstad” and Covid, or Mandates, or Taxes, or China, or Masks, or Trump and you get a big fat zero outside vanilla quotes while speaking as one of the association managers or govt agent. Nothing. He hasn’t made a political declaration in favor of conservative anything in at least 10 years that we can find……until he declared for office.

We can’t even find an editorial against the Biden/Klobuchar tax plan in “Build Back Better” that taxes all family farms upon the death of the operator(dad). Found one from Collin Peterson, Jeremy Munson, Jim Hagedorn, and others. No Brad.


“Nice” family man. Very good manager. Republican. Says he’s conservative, but after 2 years of Chi-bug dictatorship and 1 yr of insane Biden we are well past 10 yrs of silence and “trust me” being good enough. Brad missed his window. He should have run against Tim Walz for CD1 when just saying you were conservative and having the most contacts in the district would be good enough for Rocks & Cows just to get rid of Flannelmouth. We want more. We deserve more.

Somebody that mirrors the daily fight US Rep. Jim Hagedorn gave us on every issue has already declared. JEREMY MUNSON has stood with the protestors, spoke at the rallies, carried the fight on the House floor, sued to stop the 2 yr dictatorship, fought for independent farmers and producers, and was front and center at the Trump Inauguration in DC. We don’t need to take his word for anything, he’s done it. WE STAND BY JEREMY MUNSON as the best choice to honor Jim and represent us as the Congressperson for CD1 in Southern Minnesota.

Brad’s basic profile at TCB Mag before filing –

You Can’t Fight For Liberty If You Don’t Have A Voice.

It needs to be said you cannot fight for Liberty or fight against Minnesota House mask rules by giving up your voice.

Rep. Mortensen has refused to wear a mask while attending session in person. A noble, but ill advised move. Which has resulted in him giving up his legislative voice. All in the name of fighting the terrible mask rules imposed by Speaker Hortman. He will not be allowed to speak, make motions, amendments, or even object. This means until the rules are changed he will not be able to stand, and fight for us on any issue. He will have to sit in silence as others work to restore and protect our liberties.

The mask rules need a majority support to be removed, which at this time is not possible due to DFL control of the Minnesota House. It is also important to note that only a slight majority is need to complete most activities. Meaning that since the DFL has majority control the Republicans cannot protest the rule in mass, because the DFL have the numbers to continue in the legislative process without them.

Even after this is considered Rep. Mortensen has still used this to attack other Republicans saying they refuse to fight mask mandates. It is definitely the case that some Republicans need their feet held to the fire. Many Republican Representatives may even support the mask mandates. However, it is simple not true that their are no Republicans fighting the mask mandates.

The New House Republican Caucus members and a number of other representatives have been attending session through zoom in resistance to the mask rules. They have not lost their voices and they continue to fight for our liberties. Rep. Mortensen could be fighting the mask rules, and still have his voice to fight on other issues, but he chooses not to.

Instead he has focused all his legislative energy on this issue that doesn’t affect the vast majority of Minnesotans. If he wants to stop mask mandates in schools or else where in Minnesota he is going to need his voice. We need him to stand up and speak against the other attacks on our freedoms that are happening now as well as those coming in the future.

I encourage Rep. Mortensen to rethink this strategy. If you continue to sit in silence you’ll become no different than Senator Gazelka or Rep. Daudt. We need your voice. We need you to fight for our liberties.

No-Knock Warrants Are Pure Evil.

Another innocent person has fallen victim to the disgusting practice of no-knock warrants.

Amir Locke was shot early Wednesday morning on February 2nd after being a awakened by Minneapolis police. Recently released body cam footage shows police quietly opening the apartment door before rushing in guns and flash light drawn. Amir Locke who is not named on the search warrant was awakened, and in a panic reached for his legally owned gun. The police than shot and killed him. View the body cam footage below.

This scenario above could have happened to any of us legal gun owners. Hardly anyone would be able to stay calm in a situation like this, and we would be in the right to reach for a legal means of self defense just like Amir Locke.

The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus has released the following statement.

We must ban the practice of no-knock warrants now. It is already to late for the many innocent/law abiding citizens that have been killed or injured. We also shouldn’t forget about the officers hurt or killed. It’s a dangerous practice for both sides, and gives the government unjust power. We must come to the realization that the practice is a failure, and tailor made to be abused.

Just imagine a country where no-knock warrants are being used to go after those who break Covid protocols or those labeled terrorist by school boards for standing up for their children. We must put a stop to this now before it escalates any farther.

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You Should

If I had a nickel for every comment on a post, or direct message I’ve received telling us all the things “we should” do…

DON’T YOU REALIZE THAT’S HOW WE GOT HERE?! When 99.9% of the “effort” that conservatives exert is spent on either complaining or telling other people what they should do Facebook and Twitter, is it any mystery why leftists have taken over Minnesota!?

YOU SHOULD commit to real life action. Every year there are school board, city council, even mayoral offices up for grabs, many with fewer candidates running than there are openings or no clear and obvious front runners, especially out in Rocks and Cows country.

City Councils and School Boards often are on a rotating cycle, which means a third or less are up for election each year – they didn’t become leftist or even ‘centrist’ all at once – it likely took 6 – 10 years. This is the long game I’m talking about.

How differently might have 2020 gone if the people in this group had started joining school boards and city councils back in 2012? How many cities would have declared themselves “Sanctuary Cities” from Walz’s tyranny

The same applies to all types of other ‘down ballot’ offices: County Commissioners, Judges, Mayors…the list goes on and on.

Don’t imagine that because you are in a “rocks and cows” town that someone else will guard your virtues. While this article is written about the experience in eastern Tennessee, the threat is just as real in every corner of Minnesota:

We truly get the government we deserve. Getting the government we all want here means many of us need to commit to doing more than just social media.

Make your commitment today. Pledge to research what local offices will be up for election in 2021 and 2022, and plan to ensure that any leftist attempting to sneak in will be contested.

Recall Walz is now MN Free State.

Recall Governor Tim Walz has renamed to reflect our shift in focus to the long game to Restore Freedom in Minnesota. As you have seen in our recent posts, we strongly believe the future of freedom in this state entirely depends on a new class of change agents, and we will do everything we can to ensure that this new class is prepared to turn the tide.

I appreciate that a great many of you feel like the 2020 election cycle came to a catastrophic close, and many of you wonder if there is any point in hoping for future change in states like ours. It might seem attractive to renounce politics, voting, all of it. That’s what the left is hoping you’ll do.

The massive uptick in mail-in voting almost certainly resulted in a disadvantage for conservative candidates, but leftists have been out-gaming the MN GOP long before 2020. The MN GOP has lacked funds, enthusiasm, and activism for a long time, and the fact that they didn’t lose the State Senate and managed to pick up seats in the State House speaks to the great potential that exists in this state.

We are not setting up to fight the MN GOP, but rather we are set on improving it and ensuring candidates that represent our priorities WIN.

Our future depends on freedom-loving Minnesotans more deeply participating in the processes that determine who counts the votes, who gets party endorsements, and who ultimately wins including races from School Board to State Senate to Judges.

In Minnesota, State Senate and House districts are redrawn after every election that occurs at the beginning of each decade, and every State Senate and House seat is on the ballot again in 2022. Incumbents have limited time to avoid being targeted for replacement by taking action now to show alignment to our top priorities:

1) Personal Freedom of movement and association

2) Business Freedom from strangling regulation

3) Meaningful Election Integrity to protect freedom forever

We are already working to ensure we have the delegates, candidates, and volunteers to change the make up of Minnesota Politics for the next generation.

New website and additional calls to action will be coming soon. Thank you for your continued support.

Establishment Republicans Flee, While the “Rocks and Cows“ Step Up for Hugo

Tomorrow 8-22 at 10am there will be a unity rally in Hugo, MN. The rally is in response to DFL’s Minnesota House Candidate John Thompson’s comments during last weeks protest at Bob Krolls house.

However, this rally almost didn’t happen as the original organizers/speakers backed out at the first signs of trouble from possible bad actors. Below you can see the original flyer and the last minute announcements of the Republican state Senator and then two Minnesota house candidates:

Since the announcements above a number of great patriots and “rocks and cows” have stepped in to fill the void left by the retreating

The Reverend Timothy Christopher from Shepherds Works Charity in North Minneapolis will give the introduction to the speaker, and the opening prayer. This will be followed by many speakers who have stepped up to the plate.

Including people like The Minnesota State Senate Candidate for district 67 Alexander Deputie. Which is the same area that DFL candidate John Thompson is from. Groups like Magasota have also stepped up to help keep the event going and will be speaking. Many other great groups and people will be there speaking as well.

Most importantly is the “rocks and cows” of Minnesota are stepping up! Many have showed there support and plan to attend the event. We the people are not going to be scared into silence.

Together we can show the establishment Republicans what it’s like to have a back bone. This rally will be a success without them. Maybe next time they won’t be so quick to run.