The People Won on Saturday!

The people are coming, and they won on Saturday!

Royce White at the MNGOP Convention Saturday

Royce White won the Republican endorsement for US Senate on the first ballot. To face off against Amy Klobuchar. In a major victory for grassroots conservatives.

The left, media, neocons, and RINOs have been in freak out mode since the news broke.

Including Republican Micheal Brodkorb (who endorsed Governor Walz).

The right people are mad. The work starts now to remove Senator Klobuchar from office in November.

Find out more about Royce White by listening to the latest Omnibus Podcast with Jeremy Munson.

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26% of African American Babies in Minnesota Aborted in 2021!

Data released by the Minnesota Department of Health shows 26% of African American pregnancy in Minnesota were aborted in 2021. As well as 22% of multi racial pregnancies! In fact 19% of all minority pregnancies were aborted in 2021. With a total of 9,127 innocent children being aborted in 2021 according to the annual report. Which is 12% of all pregnancies.

Data shared by Bill Glahn

We will let the data speak for itself. Only adding that there is a great injustice happening to the African Americans as well as other minorities in Minnesota, and it is abortion.

The DFL party would have you believe that it is police brutality, an offensive flag, or some other form of inequality. Don’t let them fool you this is the result of their policies. That they proudly push for and brag about.

They are the party of death, and their recent push to legalize assisted suicide proves that. If they can’t get the person at the beginning of life they will find away to get them at some other point.

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Survey: Native Americans are not offended by original Minnesota Flag.

A survey conducted by American Indian Coalition shows the narrative that the Minnesota state flag is offensive and there is an uproar demanding change is just another false narrative spread by extreme white suburban progressives in the DFL to divide the public.

American Indian Coalition volunteers, coordinated by organization President Raul Estrada, completed a simple survey of all MN tribal members 18-65yo throughout the state that they could contact by mail, in person, or email/online. Results of the survey are shown below.

The result of this survey shows that the flag is not a priority for the majority of Natives in Minnesota.

To learn more about American Indian Coalition, or donate to their mission to further all people’s liberties and rights.

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Republican Senator Housley Drops Support for Gun Control Bill.

After originally signing on to the unconstitutional gun control bill SF 4312 Republican Senator Housley has now been stricken from the bill.

This comes after ourselves and other many groups called out Senator Housley for supporting the unconstitutional law which would make it a crime if your firearms are not stored in a government approved way.

In a statement to Alpha News Senator Housley said the following.

“I’m committed to developing common sense solutions that preserve personal freedoms and liberty, while keeping kids and families safe and making sure guns are not accessible to violent criminals,” said Sen. Housley. “My initial decision to be a co-author on this bill was based on the concerns of many of those in my district. Unfortunately, this specific piece of legislation is still in need of a lot of work and consideration, and I cannot support it in its current form. This is a sensitive issue for many, and I value all of the feedback I have received.”

Senator Karin Housley via Alpha News

Even with this recent change of heart. We as pro-liberty and pro-gun Minnesotans must not forget these actions taken by Senator Housley. If it wasn’t for the pressure put on by we the people she may have continued her support.

Senator Housley is no stranger to supporting gun control, and will more than likely try to again. If she is not held accountable. Proof is seen in the picture below with Moms demand action.

Overall this proves that taking action and speaking to our elected officials can still accomplish something.

Do not forget the Senator’s action in 2026. It’s time to send someone to St. Paul who won’t waffle our God given liberties away.

More information can be found here.

We can’t do this alone. Let’s save our state.

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Videos: Migrant Crisis has Arrived in Minnesota.

For those that remember this comes as no surprise. It was reported back in January that New York would be sending some of the excess migrants to Minnesota.

Now that the DFL PARTY is working to push Minnesota into becoming a sanctuary state look for numbers to only increase more. As some willing come to Minnesota and others forced by Governor Walz and other government officials.

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Corrupt Politicians & Unions Behind Ploy to Require License to Paint.

We are lead to believe by the DFL that this move to regulate certain paints, and require a license is simply them acting in our best interest.

However, only taking a quick glance below the surface it is clear that isn’t the case. Politicians like Senate Majority Leader, Erin Murphy and unions like IUPAT DC 82 have a lot to gain by seeing this legislation pass.

The union leaders are working to regulated their service to ensure they are the only possible avenue for people to get that work completed. In turn making more money for themselves and their members.

The union works through a couple different strategies to achieve this goal. They lobby the elected officials as well as lobby the general public with post like the one below. With the goal of scaring the public into accepting the regulations to solve a problem that appears to not have been that big of a threat until recently.

DFL Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy also stands to gain as her husband owns a painting business. Though she is not an author on the bill being a party leader she could easily be working behind the scenes to write this legislation to help boost the her husband’s business and the unions. Many questions still need to be answered. At this time we have not seen whether Senator Erin Murphy has publicly supported the legislation or not.

More information on this topic can be found here:

Why Painting Without a License Could Soon Be Illegal in Minnesota.

DFL Senators push bill to regulate painters.

Read the bill.

We need your help! Donate now to help promote Liberty in Minnesota!

Michigan/Iowa Style Beverage Containers Refund Program Coming to Minnesota?

A Michigan/ Iowa style beverage container program could be coming to Minnesota in 2026 as Minnesota House of Representatives takes first steps.

HF 3200 has been added to the agenda of the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy committee of the Minnesota House.

The bill would add a surcharge to all bottles and cans sold in Minnesota which will be refunded once the can or bottle is returned to an approved retailer.

Starting in July 2026 the bill would add a charge of 5 cents for containers less than 24 ounces and 10 cents for containers of more than 24 ounces. Eventually raising the amount to 10 cents for containers less than 24 ounces and 15 cents for containers more than 24 ounces in 2030.

Are you looking forward to standing in line to return your bottles/cans just to get your money back? Let us know in the comments.

Here is a picture of what we get to look forward to if the bill passes.

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Taxpayers will Pay to Relocate LGBTQ+ People to Minnesota.

A bill introduced into the Minnesota House will provide $1,000,000 to help LGBTQ people and their families relocate to Minnesota.

HF 3386 is nothing, but an attempt to bring in more radical leftist voters on your dime.

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Save our state flag. Sign the petition by clicking the picture.

Minnesota Democrats Introduce Gun Ban!

Minnesota Democrats introduce bill to ban the sale or transfer of “semiautomatic
military-style assault weapons”. The following types of firearms are currently on list to be banned. As well as any gun that meets the following criteria.

Gun List

Avtomat Kalashnikov (AK-47) semiautomatic rifle

Beretta AR-70 and BM-59 semiautomatic rifle

Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle

Daewoo Max-1 and Max-2 semiautomatic rifle

Famas MAS semiautomatic rifle

Fabrique Nationale FN-LAR and FN-FNC semiautomatic rifle

Galil semiautomatic rifle

Heckler & Koch HK-91, HK-93, and HK-94 semiautomatic rifle

Ingram MAC-10 and MAC-11 semiautomatic pistol and carbine

Intratec TEC-9 semiautomatic pistol

Sigarms SIG 550SP and SIG 551SP semiautomatic rifle

SKS with detachable magazine semiautomatic rifle

Steyr AUG semiautomatic rifle

Street Sweeper and Striker-12 revolving-cylinder shotgun

USAS-12 semiautomatic shotgun

Uzi semiautomatic pistol and carbine

Valmet M76 and M78 semiautomatic rifle

Other features resulting in a gun being banned.

(1) semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has 
one or more of the following:

(i) a pistol grip or thumbhole stock;

(ii) any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the 
nontrigger hand;

(iii) a folding or telescoping stock; or

(iv) a shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the barrel, 
allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned, but 
excluding a slide that encloses the barrel;

(2) semiautomatic pistol, or any semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle with a fixed 
magazine that has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition;

(3) semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has 
one or more of the following:

(i) any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the 
nontrigger hand;

(ii) a folding, telescoping, or thumbhole stock;

(iii) a shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the barrel, 
allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned, but 
excluding a slide that encloses the barrel; or

(iv) the capacity to accept a detachable magazine at any location outside of the pistol 

(4) semiautomatic shotgun that has one or more of the following:

(i) a pistol grip or thumbhole stock;

(ii) any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the 
nontrigger hand;

(iii) a folding or telescoping stock;

(iv) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of ten rounds; or

(v) an ability to accept a detachable magazine;

(5) shotgun with a revolving cylinder; or

(6) conversion kit, part, or combination of parts from which an assault weapon can be 
assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person.

Semiautomatic military-style assault weapon does not mean any firearm described in this 
paragraph that has been made permanently inoperable.

The bill would also involve a buyback program. The penalty for violating the law would be a felony and punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years and/or a fine up to $25,000.

You can read the bill in full here.

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DFL Tax Chair Appears Court Side with Lobbyist.

Nick Majerus breaks down how the DFL Minnesota House Tax Chairwoman was seen sitting court side at Gopher basketball game with two lobbyists who have business before her committee this year. Like Nick we have some serious questions.

Be sure to give Nick a follow and support his work. His office was recently attacked!

Sign the petition to save our state flag! Click here!