Category: Commentary

Taxpayers will Pay to Relocate LGBTQ+ People to Minnesota.

A bill introduced into the Minnesota House will provide $1,000,000 to help LGBTQ people and their families relocate to Minnesota. HF 3386 is nothing, but an attempt to bring in more radical leftist voters on your dime. Help keep us in the fight! Donate now! Save our state flag. Sign the petition by clicking the […]

Minnesota Democrats Introduce Gun Ban!

Minnesota Democrats introduce bill to ban the sale or transfer of “semiautomatic military-style assault weapons”. The following types of firearms are currently on list to be banned. As well as any gun that meets the following criteria. Gun List Avtomat Kalashnikov (AK-47) semiautomatic rifle Beretta AR-70 and BM-59 semiautomatic rifle Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle Daewoo […]

DFL Tax Chair Appears Court Side with Lobbyist.

Nick Majerus breaks down how the DFL Minnesota House Tax Chairwoman was seen sitting court side at Gopher basketball game with two lobbyists who have business before her committee this year. Like Nick we have some serious questions. Be sure to give Nick a follow and support his work. His office was recently attacked! Sign […]

Video: Fauci’s Boss Apologizes to Minnesota For COVID Response.

Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins (Dr. Fauci’s boss for most of the pandemic) is seen apologizing in a video. Stating they did not think of how their response to the pandemic on would affect Wilk and his family in Minnesota a thousand miles away from where the virus was hitting hard. Going on to […]


It’s about the Metro DFL whackjobs being so condescending and belittling of Greater MN that they can scream that the entire state is currently a racist hotbed going back to our founding and then start mandating that be taught in public schools. Belittling the entire state like that wasn’t good enough for them so they […]

They Think Boys Menstruate And They Want To Control Your Community.

The urban DFL strikes again at Greater Minnesota with over 2 dozen members introducing a bill to ban mining on state lands in the Rainy River headwater area. Showing their true colors that they want to control our communities and our livelihoods. One of the legislators that has introduced the bill that would kill 2000 […]

Minnesota House Committee Calls For Dismantling Oppressive Systems.

During a Economic Development Finance and Policy Committee hearing members of the DFL Party called for dismantling oppressive systems during a a land and labor acknowledgment. Watch the acknowledgment for yourself below. Sadly the oppressive system they speak of is not the one that attacks your freedoms or the one that shut down businesses and […]

MN House Bill Would Repeal Law Against Knowingly Infecting Someone With AIDS or Other Deadly Diseases.

Minnesota HF267 was recently introduced by the leader of the DFL party’s queer caucus, and if the bill is passed it will repeal a law that made it a crime to knowingly infect someone with AIDs or any other infectious disease that could cause serious illness or death. Join us and subscribe to our newsletter!

Video: Illegal Immigrants Are Voting In Minnesota.

During testimony for Minnesota House bill HF 4 a bill which would give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants a testifier stated that they are already voting.   Going on to say that they are in those chairs because of them and if they do not pass this bill they will vote them out. Check out […]